The pythons are literally eating everything. Not just the baby alligators but the possums coons birds and squirrels that the alligators usually eat. It's an ecological nightmare.

And as temperatures(and seas) rise it's a nightmare that will creep northward and westward.

California, on the other hand, will go the way of the Saharan wastelands in Africa. What doesn't burn will be scorched by drought as its inhabitants flee inland and northward. I never hear much about Pacific sea level rise so I guess that doesn't affect the western ports and cities as much as it does the east. It's going to be messy and expensive here.

I've got nothing against exploring space. But mining asteroids and building colonies on the moon or Mars are as far fetched as they ever were. If we spent enough money and resources we could do it but it would never be economically sustainable. We can't even put colonies under the ocean where help is only a mile away...we can't even clean up the trash pit we've turned our oceans into.

The Billionaires Race to Space™ is nothing more than a race to get worldwide satellite internet system into place so they can mine the working class for more ca$h.

Soft squishy people have no place in space anyway. Robots will own that domain.

There now, I think I've brought it back to topic.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...