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I think Trump will be able to skirt past any obstruction charge. Because Republicans don't see obstruction as a crime when a Republican does it...and because he has become a de facto dictator.
...The level of criminality of this President far outstrips even Richard Nixon, and I dont say that lightly. I lived through Watergate and Iran contra. No one can read this report and think that it is in any way "good" for the President, and yet on that other board there were hundreds of posts claiming just that...
The modern Right-winger is a sociopath the nth degree who only cares about winning.
I say we cut this folks loose and give them their own country. Seriously.
Well, he actually said some parts are total bullshit. Just the parts that don't exonerate him, like Mueller's 10 part list of obstructive events. He likes the first part that says in spite of a huge number of contacts with Russians, nothing Trump is known to have done is prosecutable for conspiracy against the US.
I think that's going to be the campaign slogan for 2020: "Not indicted!"
Mueller's report showed the degree and depth of the Russian active measures, propaganda, and intelligence warfare efforts which allowed Trump’s 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.
Trump needs to be removed from Office. He's an illegitimate President. All of his EOs and SCOTUS appointments need to be nullified.
Perhaps the most salient feature of the Mueller Report is the calcification of the notion the president is above the law.
There is only one rebuttal which I will demonstrate is fallacious. You will say Congress can impeach and convict a president, then he may be indicted and tried. But please notice how you are arguing my claim.
First, until a president is convicted of impeachment charges, he is still the president and still not accountable legally i.e. he is above the law. Second, should a president be convicted of impeachment proceedings, and then be indicted, he would no longer be a president and would therefore be an ordinary citizen.
I do not think the Founders had that in mind.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
The Founding Fathers obviously thought that the upper House of Congress would consist of the most respectable and honorable people of their state. Men who would act for The Republic and The Constitution over party politics. Since that no longer seems to be true, the current form of government may no longer work.
Maybe an Act of God will take out the Republican Convention and save the Republic. Let us pray...
They certainly never imagined anyone like Donald John Trump being elected by any sentient electorate. But when you think about it, Americans have never been really good at electing great leaders.
I suspect it has a lot to do with the end of teaching civics in High School a number of years ago. I remember my World Affairs class as a senior. We clipped articles out of the local newspaper and put them up on a divided bulletin board, pro-Republican on the right and pro-Democrat on the left. Boy howdy, that was revealing! After a few weeks we ran out of room on the right side.