This is a female problem and men are driving it. The American female seems to go about 30 years between actually supporting themselves and just sitting back and letting it happen. On the other hand the people going after Roe are 'Christian' men. I remember a friend of mine who was a good Christian Catholic who was against abortion. He gave the organization against a lot of money so he was invited to high level meetings. He said he was just standing against a wall listening to all the talk. Two Christian men were talking. One said to the other; "We are getting close to victory here", his friend replied; "Yah, then we are going to have to do something about them damned Papists!".

My friend left and never gave them another dime. My point is that these people don't sleep on their laurels. They keep it up, 24 hours a day, every day, no breaks. Its what they do. Unless women do that they are going to lose. Its that simple. I have always wondered. Men are, obviously, the ones really driving the anti-abortion thing yet they are rarely actually called on it in any real public way. I have always found it a bit odd.

Oh, I may have told this before, if so, apologies..............