Thanks for opening a good discussion.

The "Personal Healthcare for All", is probably the most over spoken and under analyzed subject in the political arena today.

My guess is (sadly) that it will be little more than that in the coming years. Cut to the quick, the balance between $$$ and moral fiber in government has come to this low bar...

"First Do No Harm"

That's about the best I've seen from our legislators, and changing the system to do something positive, by redirecting monies away from the oligarchy to the welfare of the general public is unlikely to happen in my thinking.

As far as I can see, even any short term benefit... (not a change in policy) has only come with an accompanying major increase in long term debt... not from any reallocation of monies from the multi millionaires and multi billionaires.

And so... two ways to finance... you and I pay more, or we pass off the cost to our kids.

I think of it this way... If I have $100,000. and my tax rate is 50%, I have $50,000 left. If the billionaire has $10,000,000,000 and his tax rate is 50%... he only has $5 billion dollars left.

....hmmm... preaching to the choir. crazy

Life is Good!