It's good to be open. I think that's why many of us come here.

A few things:
At age 83 I am unbelievably happy. That does not mean there were no bumps, getting to age 83. Just a little perspective.

Cancer... age 53
2 months intensive care... in and out of hospital 8 times. Severe prostate near death... last year.
... and severe BP and blood problems since resolved.
plus... genes that didn't portend well.

Dear jeanie, also bad genes. also 83, stroke at age 54, and three years ago unexplained deep depression... for six months... saved only by our lady doctor who took a chance and overprescribed a drug that brought her out of the problem. (Thankful to her for taking a chance on her profession.) jeanie came back 100%.

In between the same type of close calls that most of us go through.... Auto "total" accidents... going over a cliff in a snowmobile. Hit by lightning age 16... smile and who knows how many poisonings breaks, cuts, etc...

So... back to the money thing. While we're reasonably comfortable now, the early days were up and down, but mostly getting by by finding the good parts of life that didn't cost a lot of money. I mean, how many people live in a campground for 24 years? 1990-2014.

In the meantime, 4 kids, all college educated, moving 22 times, Not always easy. Lost one at age 39, and another is handicapped and living on state aid.

Absolutely no complaints. We are blessed and thankful. We are also very, very happy. The morning 2 minute hug is a tradition, and begins every day with a smile... even when it gets a little rocky.

BTW... first time in more than a year... took my Mongoose out of mothballs, and went for a 5 mile ride. Am on an exercise high...
smile smile smile

Life is Good!