we have a MONSTER health insurance bill of 750 a month for the two kids

You know, you can keep your kids on your own policy until they turn 26, but you don't have to! You said yourself that the girl will get 100% subsidized ACA and the boy would be on Medical, if not for you volunteering to pay for them. Stop volunteering! My wife had 100% subsidized ACA for a year, and it was fine. She had a Blue Shield Covered California plan, just like all those subscribers who pay for it. Same medical group, same doctor as before. Nobody at the doctor's office even knew she was getting free coverage. She did have to pay $20 copays for doctor visits, like all the other people with that plan. I hear Medical is even better: Everything covered and zero copays. Only problem is finding a group that will accept it, but you may be surprised at who does. Also catastrophic stuff like kidney transplants, heart transplants, and dialysis are all 100% covered by Medicare for everybody.