Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
If Conservatism is a failed and dying ideology why do 27 of the 50 states have Republican governors? Why do Republicans control 22 state legislatures while the Democrats control only 14?
I can answer that! The majority of States in the United States have rural populations. The most populous States, and those with more urban areas, are resoundingly Democratic. In some cases, the makeup of the State chambers and offices is an accident of geography. Increasingly, however, the makeup is skewed by virtue of gerrymandering and vote suppression. Those are topics for other threads, so I won't lard this one with citations. I will also note that "conservative" and "Republican" are not coextensive, as you have used them here.
The immediate and most obvious answer is that the GOP gerrymandered their way into prominence after their 2010 TBagger take-over of Congress. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire