Originally Posted by pdx rick
Without the Electoral College the votes of the people in about 1/3 of the states would not count. Without the EC would we would have one person, one vote. Everyone's vote would count, but you Conservatives don't want everyone's vote to count. Hmm
You have that backwards. The votes of 1/3 of people do count because of the Electoral College.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
One of the reasons our Constitution was written was to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
Originally Posted by pdx rick
ROTFMOL So many protections for black slaves and white women. You're hilarious, sir. smile
When our Constitution was written the idea that men, and at the time only men, could govern themselves was an extremely radical idea. There were thoughts to include women and slaves, but the radical idea of self government had to be implemented slowly if were to survive. To judge the authors of our Constitution by today's standards is ludicrous. As with any idea it must first be made to make and then it can be improved on. Our Constitution and the idea of self government it created was limited in what it could do as a reflection of the time it was written. At that time the idea of self government, if only by men, was a radical, as I said, an extremely radical one. To extend its protections to women and slaves would have prevented it from not only being written but from creating the government that could and would include almost everyone.

Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Presidential candidates do spend more time in states with large population. Without the Electoral College they could completely ignore all of the small states. They can't do that with the Electoral College.
Originally Posted by rporter314
Once again, because my point has eluded you, big states already do get the presidential hopefuls, small states don't. The only reason why Iowa and NH are in play now is because they are early primary states and for no other reason. smile Nobody cares about them once their primary is over.
My point was not just about the primaries. Without the Electoral College a Presidential campaign would not need to have a campaign organization in all 50 states. In states where one party usually wins the the popular vote there are Presidential campaigns from both parties because of the Electoral College. Although they are small there were still Republican and Democrat Presidential campaign offices and staffs in all 50 states because of the Electoral College.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Wrong again. I even used your liberal source SLATE to prove you are wrong.
...because a NOV 18, 2018 6:57 PM article is so current and up-to-date? Your stellar thinking and analysis amazes me sir. smile At least my link was written within the last 3 days and has much more current information and findings from investigations.

The article I posted a link was older than the yours. But the one I posted was correct in the advice that it gave. The advice to not contest the election because in the long run doing so would only hurt those who were complaining. Contesting it makes those who are doing so to be sore losers. Being sore losers seems to be something the Democrats are becoming very good at.

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary