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[quote=Senator Hatrack]Without the Electoral College the votes of the people in about 1/3 of the states would not count. Without the EC would we would have one person, one vote. Everyone's vote would count, but you Conservatives don't want everyone's vote to count.
One of the reasons our Constitution was written was to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Then to win a Presidential election all a candidate would have to do is campaign in the states with large populations. The candidates could and would ignore states with small populations.
Originally Posted by pdx rock
That's exactly how its done now with an eye towards the EC.
Presidential candidates do spend more time in states with large population. Without the Electoral College they could completely ignore all of the small states. They can't do that with the Electoral College.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
The idea behind the Electoral College is to force a Presidential candidate build a large coalition of voters from every state in the country.
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Doesn't that defeat your "we're a Republic, not a Democracy" argument. I'm not buying what you're selling, sir.
No, it does not. It actually reinforces the fact that our government is a republic, not a democracy. In a democracy the majority can and does tyrannize the minority.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Republicans stealing elections? Would that be like the 1960 election that JFK stole?
Originally Posted by pdx rick
We don't need to go back in time 60 years, all we have to do is look at 2018.
I'm going to challenge you again, friend. It's apparent you read the title, but not the substance, of the article. If you had, you wouldn't have linked it, as it undermines your argument.