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[quote=Senator Hatrack]I strongly believe that the Electoral College is one of the things that makes our Constitution the greatest political/legal document ever written.
Do you have an example of how the electoral college has produced a superior (above average at least) leader for the United States? How about any tangible benefit?
The purpose of the Electoral College is not to produce superior leaders. That is the responsibility of the American voters. It's purpose to balance the power of states with small populations against those with large populations.
Tell that to Hamilton and Madison. They'd be shocked you didn't understand their well written arguments,
Originally Posted by logtroll
You would think that after some 240-odd years of history that there would lots of easily identifiable tangible benefits resulting from "one of the things that makes our Constitution the greatest political/legal document ever written".
That you are participating in a free and open political discussion is a very easily identifiable tangible benefit of our Constitution. The fact that 44 times the leadership of our government has peacefully changed hands is another one. The amendment process of Article V of our Constitution is another. Logtroll are you forced to be a member of the official state religion? No, you are not because there isn't an official state religion. There are lots of easily identifiable tangible benefits that come from our Constitution. It is unfortunate that you are unable to see them when they are an integral part of your life!
The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity. I'm a conservative because I question authority. Conservative Revolutionary