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There is and always will be income inequality. It exists because what some people do has more value than what others do. Should the income of the Rolling Stones be equal to that of person working at their first job? Hell no it shouldn't! The efforts to make everyone's income equal can only be successful if everyone is equally poor. To achieve that is to take away the incentive to improve your life. To get rid of income inequality is part of the social justice reform. Therefore it is a bad idea.
Straw man alert detected
Yes, there HAS always been income inequality...some income inequality. In some time periods there was massive income inequality and in other times there was less massive income inequality, but only a numbskull would seriously ever expect there to be equal incomes for everybody, or equal outcomes for everything.
That's totally disingenuous. No amount of finger pointing pedagogy about Marx, spare us ALL, please. Nobody here is interested in Marx. The most you will ever see who are nationwide probably number less than Arby's employees by several orders of magnitude.
NOBODY ever expects equal outcomes, even in the most ultra/uber egalitarian wet dream. Equal opportunity on the other hand is another matter, and I am tired of endlessly drawing this important distinction to people who respond like zombies from The Walking Dead, endlessly insisting that I, a lefty, DO INDEED subscribe to Marx, while at the same time not even knowing I do. [/sarcasm]
You claim in one post that some things are a matter of degree. In your post above, you trot out a one-dimensional cardboard cutout. It might be Karl Marx, or it might be one of The Smith Brothers, of cough drop fame. It doesn't matter to you because you're in a hurry to point out some perceived failing of a socialist/communist ideology that isn't even part of the discussion on the Left.
A matter of degree in things like, say perhaps, human productivity, might be important. Or for instance, matters of degree in things like income inequality might also be considered important, and worthy of a closer look.
I think degrees in income inequality down through the ages follow a familiar pattern. When matched carefully to historic events both good and bad, one begins to see a pattern of human nature.
In today's economy, we are at or near enough to an extreme imbalance...several of them.
If you spot it, even when its not there, you've got it. Nowhere in my comment do I make even a passing reference to Karl Marx but you keep seeing references to him. To repeat, there is not a single reference to Karl Marx in my comment!
The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity. I'm a conservative because I question authority. Conservative Revolutionary