White Supremacy is not just racism. I'd even venture to say that racism might be just a small part of it.
For one reason or another the white skinned tribes of Europe became the most dominant on the world stage. Along the way they picked up Christianity which lent even more fervor to their race to world domination. They tended to be hoarders because the winters were cold and slackers would starve. Life was cruel to them, and they learned to be cruel right back. They were a patriarchal society and would brook no nonsense from women. Any sort of deviant from the norm, mentally or physically was considered defective. Everyone was a racist, a misogynistic, a homophobe, a religionist, a xenophobe, a culturist who saw anything outside the realm of white skinned European tribal customs and norms as something to be dominated and ruled over.

And that's where we find ourselves today. When all the tribes have come together, when all the cultures merged, when we have come together as a single civilization. White folks still wanna be boss.

White folks wanna f*cking lord it over everybody else. They wrote their rules into Christianity. Made Jesus into a white boy and insisted that white boys were dominant over anything and everything they could see. People of color were subjugated and enslaved. People of other religions converted or killed. Either you conform or you are shunned.

Yeah, racism is only one facet of the nasty thing. Racist white folks are taught to hate black people from an early age. Black people are taught to fear white folks at an early age. I was taught, back in the 50s to respect everyone. Even though I grew up in Apartheid America I was not a racist. Some people were, some weren't. Depended mostly on their parents.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...