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[quote=Senator Hatrack]Protecting our country is one of the reasons why we have a government. Providing for anyone's healthcare is not one of the reasons we have a government.
On what do you base this assertion? (I acknowledge up front that this is a trap.)
Why do you think the assertion is wrong?
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Because it is. Are you avoiding answering the question?
Since your "trap" is based on only part of my comment it is not the trap you think it is. Here is my entire comment.
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Protecting our country is one of the reasons why we have a government. Providing for anyone's healthcare is not one of the reasons we have a government. Therefore, while they might use reason, logic, and facts to write the rules for healthcare they do not have the Constitutional authority to write them. Show where in our Constitution it specifically mentions healthcare.
You ignored, by deleting, the rest of what I said. So your question "trap" is BS. No one can show me where in our Constitution it specifically mentions healthcare. No one can because healthcare is not mentioned in our Constitution! This is not about any interpretation of the general welfare clause. It is about the idea that providing healthcare for anyone is not what the authors of our Constitution ever considered something our government is or would be authorized to do.
The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity. I'm a conservative because I question authority. Conservative Revolutionary