supporters of authoritarian governments don't like it when someone argues with them.
They certainly don't! The US Government is and has been an authoritarian government for a long time. We have the largest prison population in the history of the world.
Workers are paid a pittance and all benefits denied.
Our infrastructure is crumbling
Our water and air polluted
Deficit spending just topped a $Trillion Bucks
Wartime industries are booming even though it is a time of peace.
Workers are in debt up to their asses
Farmers are committing suicide
We have homeless beggers in our streets "alms for the poor? Alms for the poor."
And jackbooted thugs trample through them seeking the ones with brown skin.
Yes, Senator, DemonRats do it too! But at least some of them recognize the problem.

You are either on the side of the oppressed or on the side of the oppressor. There is no neutral ground.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...