Why the hell should I waste my time making a comment when before it has even been made it is being condemned as wrong?
Because that's what we do here?

We are all proud partisans who believe strongly in our own political theories. You cannot be right, Hatrack, because that would make ME wrong. To admit that you are even half right makes me half wrong.

But I respect your position. I even understand it to a certain extent. It(conservatism) has held us in good stead for a long time.

I feel that we are facing some pretty serious issues right now. You seem to deny their existence. You blow my solutions off as "socialist" yet provide none of your own. You cling to your narrow reading of the Constitution and disavow any other interpretation as wrong. You speak as though you know the minds of the hallowed Four Fathers.

Ya don't, okay.

That bus has left the station and three centuries hence we are dealing with sh*t they never could have imagined.

And we find ourselves again faced with a tyrant...

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...