Originally Posted by Greger
Now what does this mean?
It means that Donald Trump had already pissed off enough people to cause upheaval in a lot of districts. 2020 is gonna be like 2018 on steroids. Just hide and watch...it won't be long now.

Perhaps, now we don't know how this impeachment thing will play out. We have to remember that unlike 2018 where the Democrats had 194 seats to defend vs. 241 for the Republicans, in 2020 it will be 235 seats for the Democrats 199 for the GOP with one seat vacant.

Now the generic congressional vote has shrunk from an 8 point Democratic advantage to a 5 point advantage.


Not that I put that much stock in the generic polls. They're nationwide with the house decided district by district. Having to defend 41 additional seats this time around than last, it's not surprising to me that the democrats have more at risk seats than the GOP. 35 seats to be exact as of tonight are up for grabs vs. 18 seats for the Republicans. Compare those number of at risk seats to 2018 where the GOP had 62 seats at risk of switch vs only 8 for the Democrats.

I would forecast with the numbers as of today the GOP picks up 5-9 seats. Now this information is very dynamic and change constantly. My bottom line, don't expect the Democrats to gain any seats, also don't expect the Republicans to come even close to regaining the house either. This looks at the moment a status quo election in the House. Subject to change.

I think a lot depends on who the democrats nominate and how this impeachment plays out. Nothing written in stone.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.