Originally Posted by Ujest Shurly
Madison, advocated for a Constitutional Republic; the form of government we have. A form he believed would prevent the failings of a "pure democracy" and the failings of a Republican forum of government.

In Federalist 10, Madison is talking about how the form of government prevents a factious government that is most likely to be in a pure Democracy (like ancient Greece) or a pure Republic (like ancient Rome). Madison supported a mixed form of government, the Constitutional Republic; he believed this forum protected against the previous forms failings.

Your source is a publication by an individual, a biased individual. One who has cherry-picked his facts and then expands upon those select items. A more neutral source would be better and far less biased, For Example The Avalon Project

Exactly what Madison was talking about in Federalist 10 is in the Title of that paper "The Same Subject Continued
The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection"
From the New York Packet. Friday, November 23, 1787.
and of Federalist 9 titled "The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection "

Should read them for yourself, they can confuse you and change your mind, or just plain give you more ammunition for your positions.
Thank you for proving the truth of my comment about why there aren't many conservatives here. As I said should I post something from a conservative site, which I did, that it would be automatically rejected. Which is exactly you did U jest Shurly. Then in your rush to reject my comment, because I used a conservative source, you did not see the link on the site to the complete essay of Federalist 10 Then you incorrectly assumed that I have not read the Federalist Papers. Not only did I go to the link that the conservative source you automatically rejected I picked up my copy of the Federalist Papers that I keep on my desk.

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary