Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I'm not being critical of Perotista, mind you, but of the argument that the Republican party has made any real policy proposals in the last... oh, let's say, 10 years. The idea that there is a policy-based parity between the parties is a myth and it distracts us from the real issues. Focusing on the thread title, Which policies have conservatives advanced? I'll offer a list of topics:

Economic stability
National defense
Homeland security
Criminal justice
Foreign affairs

I'll also offer an opinion: true conservatives care about all of these issues, but the current "conservative leadership" doesn't. There have been a few successes - The First Step Act comes to mind - but then we get this: Senate Republicans reject effort to condemn Trump's Syria withdrawal.
True conservatives do care about these issues. Since they are true conservatives their views on these issues are not in agreement with NW Ponderer's. Which is why they are true conservatives.

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary