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Perhaps if I give my views on these things, one can decide whether I’m conservative or not. Environment – I’m all for clean water, air and for conservation of our natural resources. Nothing makes me madder than to see woods and farmland clear cut for shopping malls, sub-divisions, filling in vast areas with concrete and asphalt. Do I believe in man-made global warming, no. I think Mother Nature will do whatever she wants to do.
Immigration – I’m against illegal immigration. But it isn’t a hot topic with me. I go along with my wife who is from Thailand on this. She thinks that if she had to go through the background checks, pay the fees, obtain a passport and visa, among a thousand other things to include a waiting period. So too should everyone else.
Economic stability – Not sure what is meant by this. But it sounds like something one should be for.
Budget/taxes – I’m for fiscal responsibility. Meaning this nation shouldn’t spend more than what it takes in. Fiscal responsible isn’t what is known today as being fiscal conservative which means just low taxes. I believe in a balanced budget. To get there if one has to cut spending, do it. If one has to raise taxes, do it. But with our massive national debt, both cutting spending and raising taxes need to be done.
National defense – All for a strong military. Having said that, I believe you could cut 100 billion from the military if congress stopped using the military as a civilian jobs’ creator and maintainer. Many times the JCS has told congress they didn’t need this, didn’t want that, couldn’t use anymore of this. Only to be forced to buy those things so a congressman or senator can keep civilians employed back in their home district or state. Yes, we could indeed cut 100 billion if we just gave the military what it needed to keep this country safe and secure. National defense need not suffer, but congress always sees otherwise and will forever use the military as a job’s creator and maintainer.
Homeland security – I think we have gone overboard on this, that we have lost freedoms at the expense of security.
Criminal justice – Criminals should pay dearly for their crimes, I’m also all in favor of the death penalty. Not as a deterrent, but to ensure the criminal, murderer never commits another crime. This after the criminal has been found guilty in a court of law by a jury of his peers. I also am in favor that if any crime involves a firearm, that should be an automatic 10-year sentence on top of any sentence for the crime they committed whether or not anyone is killed or injured.
Foreign affairs – I really don’t have any set idea on this. Outside of treating each nation individually. There is no one size fits all.
Education – I think with all the government involvement in education they have dumbed down the students. Through my kids and grand kids going to college, I have learned that in subjects like math, science, English, history etc, a lot of the things I learned in High School are now being taught in the first two years of college. I suppose this is because of the want for a higher graduation rate, percentage than actually making the students learn something.
There you have, quick and dirty.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.