Does Trump ask for loyalty? Yes, as a business executive he did ask for loyalty to his business not himself. Did Trump ask those who would work in his Presidential administration to be loyal to him? Yes, he did, every President does. But mot in the crude, narcissistic, and grandiose way that LBJ did.
The Trump Loyalty Test is a personal loyalty to Mr Trump, above the law, above the Constitution. We can see precisely why that statement is true and valid if you would consider what AG Barr, Whittiker, Sen Graham, etc has said. They place Mr trump above the law. If you don't believe that, then consider what Mr Trump's attorneys told a Circuit Court. Mr Trump can not be investigated, or indicted, or encumbered by any legal proceeding as he is president and therefore above the law. Does he require and demand loyalty? Damn right in spades.
To expect others to have the same opinion you do from reading something is extremely partisan.
I retract my statement you would not read the report.
It is not my opinion but the opinion of SP Mueller. He concluded there was insufficient evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy between the campaign and the Russian meddlers. Note he did not conclude there was no evidence. It was insufficient.
SP Mueller concluded there was sufficient evidence of obstruction of an investigation, however he also stated he would not pursue an indictment pursuant to OLC memo on indictment of sitting presidents.
Not my conclusions but after having read the report, they were reasonable conclusions.
I never expect anyone to agree with anything I say and I don't try to persuade anyone to believe what I believe. However, I will try to convince people of the facts. The Ukraine Phone Call. It is obviously a QPQ. I would try to convince you it is because I can not see how it is anything but a QPQ. I got military aid but I need an investigation for it. QPQ.
Now should you finally agree it is a QPQ, I would expect you to also conclude it is impeachable but you may not. People disagree on interpretation of the facts. I have a higher standard than you so the QPQ is impeachable regardless of who is president, congressman, or student council member.
Yet you have, as is your usual MO, repeatedly stated that the "whistle-blower's" complaint is proof positive that Trump broke the law. Who is rushing to impeach Trump? You are! Fortunately, that decision is to be made by the House of Representatives not rabid anti-Trump partisans not you.
I don;t think I have stated that.
The complaint did not have all the supporting evidence we have now from public sources. We now know the call was but one piece of an ongoing conspiratorial effort led by Mr Trump to find political dirt on a future probable political opponent and to undermine the Mueller investigation as well as the IC conclusions regarding Russian meddling.
While the call is damning, it could have been explained away in a variety of ways which would not have led to impeachment. It is in fact all the supporting testimony and evidence which makes the case. Mr Trump and his closest advisors, Sec Pompeo, AG Barr, and rogue attorney Giuliani were engaged in a conspiracy contrary to FEC laws regarding solicitation from foreign nationals. Proof positive? Let's get all the evidence and see what there is. I think that has been my position all along. I am always last to confirm a conclusion, as I wait for all the evidence to be collected before I give a complete analysis and derive a conclusion. Unfortunately for you in this case a lot of evidence is now public, so not much is left to the imagination.
I never said that the entire Democratic caucus in the House has called for impeachment.
You used the word Democrats. Not one Democrats, not Rep Green, but Democrats. And you know Rep Pelosi for months kept the small group of Democrats who vocally wanted to impeach at bay. Even now (as of Sept 24) only 207 Democrats are on the record for impeachment in the House. I am sure you can do the arithmetic from that.
I don't know what your whistleblower comments mean. There is only one which has become public. It has been reported there is another regarding another matter. So I don't know of what you speak.
When she said that the attack on Benghazi was caused by an anti-Muslim video, which was a lie, she got what she deserved.
Here is the question I like to ask conservatives and never get an answer. 27 countries had demonstrations as a result of THE VIDEO. The day before in Cairo the walls of the embassy were breached by demonstrators. So my question is why would you not thing THE VIDEO had nothing to do with Benghazi????
She of course changed the narrative as better factual information was collected from the site, as any reasonable person would ... and I hope that would include you.
It was not a lie. It was best guess at the time.
Rabid hyperpartisan you are. Are the Clinton's the personification of Satan????
With an insult like that I wonder why I bother to even attempt to have a discussion with you.
OMG progress ... I think. While you did not say that would be a deal breaker, you are suggesting it. So now I know ... there are things which would change your mind about Mr Trump. Now I know somewhere between puzzygrabbing and killing kids you would stop supporting Mr trump. Now I have to find out what that is.
you have made the decision that Trump broke the law. A decision based on a complaint of one whistle-blower. A whistle-blower who did hear the call himself but based his complaint on what he was told was said in the call.
Based on my research but not just based on the call. You continue to forget all the supporting evidence and testimony.
Yes the whistleblower complaint was second hand reporting but why do you fail to mention the ICIG did an investigation to the complaint. Do you really think the ICIG would simply pass it along as credible without an investigation? really???? So there is supporting evidence which makes the complaint credible for the ICIG and now we know from pubic testimony and other evidence the complaint has been corroborated.
So no, not based on just the call. Typical conservative TP.
Since the research I do does not lead me to have the same opinions you do you denigrate my research.
you cite right wing nut sites. Please cite primary sources not opinions of nuts.
not once do you ever call for Pres. Obama to be impeached
Can you give me a reason why he should have been impeached? I hope you didn't buy in to the nuts who wanted to impeach him. Here from wiki
Rationales offered for possible impeachment included false claims that Obama was born outside the United States, that he allegedly allowed people to use bathrooms based on their gender identity, an alleged White House cover-up after the 2012 Benghazi attack, and failure to enforce immigration laws.
Sooooo ....
In the 520 topics about the Obama administration when any of the things he did that were discussed you either defended him or didn't say anything.
In general I agreed with a lot of his positions. The ones which I did not agree did not deserve a rebuttal. I think the biggest one was his frequent interjection into local events. Stay out of it is my advice.
So Let's see ... he wasn't grabbing puzzy, he wasn't claiming ethnic minorities were bad people, etc .... he was trying to support our allies, he was trying to bring troops home, etc
During his administration Obama used the IRS to investigate conservative organizations.
Gee unlike you who I can strongly speculate you believed everything Fox News said, I did the research.
I will not re-litigate the accusation but will comment that almost all of right wing talking points were wrong factually. As an IT guy I analyzed the HD info, the server info, BU policy etc and found no conservative knew what the hell they were talking about. I don't know if that means they are dumb or ignorant of IT or intentionally lied, but whichever it was they were way off base.
The fundamental problem was Citizens United. As soon as the SC ruled in their favor it was noted by the IRS they should be on the alert for increased political groups trying to get 501c4 exemptions. The facts were yes there was an increase from 50 a year to 1500 in the first year. The IRS had no choice but to try and figure out how to handle the influx with limited resources. Because they knew many groups would be conservatives groups the initial search parameters were geared for conservative groups and later included liberal groups, and in fact more liberal groups were targeted in searches than conservative groups (bet you didn't know that). No liberal group got an exemption (bet you didn't know that). 33% of conservative groups got exemptions almost immediately. Of the rest, they were either non-compliant, slow responders, or dropped out of process. Many of these finally got exemptions.
So your right wing talking point not based on the facts is suspect. My conclusion was they could have done a better job by being better prepared.
So no, Pres Obama did not use the IRS to target conservative groups. Conservative paranoia is the only reason this became an issue, as no liberal group made an issue of being "targeted".
That you did not shows that your desire to have Trump impeached is based on your partisan hatred of Trump.
I don;t have a partisan hatred of him. I do have a human dislike of him. I do not associate with arrogant puzzygrabbing egotists who have no portfolio. At the same time I also feel sorry for him because he suffers from NPD. Nothing partisan about personal perspective at all.
Do I dislike his actions and what he says? yep yes Da Si
Your rabid hyperpartisan nonsense has clouded your judgement. While I disagree with a lot of what he does, none of it amounts to an impeachable offense. Taken altogether it does not amount to a set of impeachable offenses. So for you to say I have a desire to impeach is nonsensical. Here is the problem, over the years I have noticed conservatives believe everyone is as hyperpartisan as they are. Breaking news!!!! that is not true nor valid. Everyone is not as partisan as you are. You in fact remind me of a guy whom I see frequently who believes Mr Trump is God incarnate ... and for him everyone but Mr trump lies ... only Mr trump is good ... etc
There is a pattern of bad behavior by Mr Trump. He did not get rid of his businesses. He has executed Russian prerogatives. He abandons allies. He obstructed an investigation. He elevates white supremacists. And he has entered into a QPQ, soliciting campaign research from a foreign national.
Of these only the last is clearly an impeachable offense. Was I waiting on him to breach Constitutional protocols? It was inevitable. He is a narcissist and believes he is above the law. Even his attorneys argued it. He believes that wholeheartedly that he thought he could release a transcript of the memo of a call and tell people like you, that is not a QPQ, and he knows you will believe it.
Try using facts and not your emotional hyperpartisan crapola.