Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
When a person posts that everyone who attends a Trump rally is a member of the KKK and that they are bused in to attend them is so ludicrous that it boggles my imagination. If I or any other conservative post an article from any conservative sources it is dismissed solely because it is from a conservative source.he same article is posted from a liberal source it accepted without question.
Please cite that post, Senator. smile
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Um...we have - that is why we have labeled Trump rallies as "Klan rallies."

Simply because Trump has a Klan rally in a blue district doesn't mean that the attendees are District folks. It is known that Trump rally are filled with people who are bused-in.
It you who said it pdx rick. The people that attended the Trump rally in Minneapolis were not bused in. The idea that the people who attended it were bused in is BS!

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary