Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
Originally Posted by pdx rick
[quote=Senator Hatrack]Before anyone tries to say that these people are racists and white supremacists take a look at the rallies Trump is having.
Um...we have - that is why we have labeled Trump rallies as "Klan rallies."

Simply because Trump has a Klan rally in a blue district doesn't mean that the attendees are District folks. It is known that Trump rally are filled with people who are bused-in.

It is truly astounding how deluded that comment is! The idea that the people who organized the Trump rally could bus in 20,000 members of the KKK is ludicrous.
Originally Posted by pdx rick
I never wrote that all of the attendees were bused in, nor that all the attendees belonged to the KKK.

"Klan rallies" is a euphemism for bigotry and racism by me. smile
Yes, you did. I put the sentence where you made that claim in italics and bold print. That you call Trump rallies "Klan rallies" is an example of your bigotry pdx rick. Here is the definition of the word bigot. "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." Your intolerance of Trump supporters makes you a bigot.

Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
There are probably not that many members of the KKK in the ENTIRE country! I have friends who went to the rally and the majority of the people who went to it drove themselves there in their own car or rode with friends. I can understand hating Trump but to claim that all of his supporters are members of the KKK is not a sign of rational thinking! If that type of thinking is widely accepted by the Democrats, if it is even given any credibility, than our country is in serious trouble!
Originally Posted by pdx rick
One not need to be a card-carrying KKK member to be a racist and bigot. Hmm

Trump's June 2015 announcement in part:

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Further examples of Trump being a racist and bigot can be read here: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

...there is no excuse for avoiding clear, accurate descriptions of American political dynamics. When the data show that President Trump’s support stems from racist and sexist beliefs, and that his election emboldened Americans to engage in racist behavior, it is the responsibility of social scientists and other political observers to say so.

- Brookings Institute, August 2019

Since conservative sources are dismissed solely because they are conservative your use of two liberal sources does not prove anything pdx rick.

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary