Senator Hatrack said "Where is your outrage about the allegations of sexual harassment against Virginia's Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax? "

Unless rporter314 is in Virginia, he like I and others here, have no say in the matter of Lt. Governor Fairfax. Now as for President Donald (...) Trump; he holds a national office, therefor is of concern to every American resident or citizen.

I, as have one or two others here, have known of President Donald (...) Trump's sexual peccadilloes since before he announced and it was of no concern to me or the others. However, and that is a big HOWEVER, once he announced and the grab'em by the P...y incident, it became of national concern and everybody here had a right to comment on it. That is the difference, one is local to a state the other is national. Another difference is one is an allegation, the other an admission.

Now, who is trying to muddy the waters by bringing in non-relevant issues?

But, I'm biased about President Donald (Coward, Misogynist, Serial Sexual Predator, Narcissistic Robber Baron wanna be bully, ...) Trump, so what I say does not matter because it is biased or so some might say.

Last edited by Ujest Shurly; 10/27/19 01:03 PM.

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