Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
...The color of a president matters much less than his party.
TBagger depictions of Obama in African witch doctor garb tells us what's really the truth. smile
There is probably somewhere a conservative who finds nut-picking a convincing argument, but, I assure you, that conservative is not me.

Republicans were fired-up behind cutting the government when Carter was President and ran the Reagan Revolution to do so.... and then Reagan got in, and increased government spending instead, and Republicans loved him. Republicans were fired up behind cutting the government when Clinton was President, and had the Contract with America and everything... and then, W Bush became President, and increased spending, and Republicans generally liked him. Republicans were fired up behind cutting the government when Obama was President, and had the Tea Party and then...
As everyone knows, traditional Republicans and TBaggers aka modern Conservatives, are two different political animals. My comment was specific to TBaggers - the modern Conservative.

To conflate the two is being intellectually dishonest.

For the TBaggers, Obama's skin color was the quintessential objection to his presidency, along with Obama being an alleged Kenyan Marxist. And now with an old white racist Boomer in the WH again, TBaggers are comfortable with higher deficits and the direction this country is heading in.


:shrug: you are projecting opposition to your motivations to those who oppose your means in order to smear them.

1. It's about as effective and meaningful as the people chanting Jews Will Not Replace Us, convinced that the Democrat party is part of a giant movement to get rid of white people.

2. It immunizes actual racists to the charge of racism by making the accusation first into a joke and then into a badge of honor - not because it is believed, but because it is understood to be the leftist version of "this person is an effective conservative and so we must call him a racist".

The tendency from the left to loudly proclaim that any opposition to their political platform was racism is not a small part of how you got Trump. When an actual racist came along, the charge only helped him, because of how it had been abused.*

So, if you like Trump, well, keep doing what got you Trump. If you don't like Trump, maybe reconsider your preference for looking down on the Other. smile It is, after all, a form of bigotry, and it harms your ability to come to rational conclusions flowing from intellectual empathy. People are capable of disagreeing - even strongly! - from good intentions wink.

*Worth noting - Republicans have done pretty much the same thing with "Socialism".

Last edited by CPWILL; 01/20/20 03:38 PM.