Originally Posted by CPWILL
Originally Posted by pdx rick
America's original sin was steeped in Conservatism. Conservatives are all about racism and bigotry.

See, when you lead off with something as powerfully ignorant as that, it makes it really hard to take anything else you say seriously.
Ok Boomer...

My history of Conservatism begins with Reagan. What I have seen of Conservatism, what they say, how they act, how they treat others especially the poor, minorities, women, LGBT since I have been cognizant of the world around me, has informed my view of what a Conservative is. Sounds like that reality upsets you.


For the recored, my parents voted Republican. Both of my parents were racist, misogynistic, patriarchal, homophobic and xenophobic. I moved out two months BEFORE my 18th birthday - I couldn't wait to escape those people.

Contrarian, extraordinaire