Originally Posted by Hamish Howl
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
I'm gonna go way out on a limb and suggest you have little to zero study in the intellectual history of conservatism.

If you do the Great Courses, however, there's a neat little remedy to that I can recommend.
I don't need some archaic dusty old book to tell me what a Conservative is, I can form my own opinion based upon observation. smile

Another way of saying that is that the term "conservative" that we grew up with is totally alien to today's GOP.

I look and look and look today but I see little to nothing in today's Republican Party that reminds me of a Barry Goldwater, a Nelson Rockefeller, Bob Dole, or even a John McCain.
Justin Amash was maybe the last vestige of it, and he's out now.

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