Originally Posted by Greger
But there are still Republicans who imagine themselves to be a part of this dead ideology. Old fashioned conservatism has long since given way to the new better model. More guns, more god, and less people of color.

Republicanism is not conservatism. Today's Democrats are more conservative than your average Trump voter. Although they use the term loudly and proudly. In a word, they have become radicalized.

If the Republican Party hopes to become conservative again it needs to purge the white supremecists, the nationalists, the Nazis, The KKK, Evangelical Christians, and corrupt elected officials who have turned it into the circus of bigotry that it is today. Republicans have catered to the desires of that crowd until they have simply become that crowd.

But at least we have them all corralled in one place for now.

If the dems could get rid of Wallace, the GOP can get rid of the freak right wing.

What can we do to help you stop screaming?