Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
Respectfully, looking at the close-minded nature of your judgements regarding the people you Other, I can't concur with that judgement. frown You don't sound "good" at all, but, rather, angry, derisive, bitter, and bigoted.
Naw mang, I recognize that Conservative are bad people who are afraid of their own shadows. It's not their fault, they were born that way. Hmm

Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds
Psychology Today

(No wonder Conservatives hate science. coffee )


:lol: reminds me of the old claims that opposition to socialism was a psychological malady, and the "authoritarian mindset" people. Or, for that matter, the Liberalism is a Mental Disorder people. laugh

If you want junk claims that you are wonderful and the Other is icky, well, stick with that. There's a lot of people willing to sell it to you, and lots of people (on both sides) foolish and egocentric enough to want to buy it.

If you want to actually understand people better, I might recommend the work of (liberal atheist) Jonathan Haidt. You might be surprised wink

Last edited by CPWILL; 01/24/20 01:21 PM.