Originally Posted by jgw
Its kinda interesting. Seems that politics MUST be bi-polar - you gotta be left/liberal or right/conservative and there is absolutely no in between.

Nope, that's what all those think tank billions paid for, the well heeled and well financed and penetrating narrative that insists that everything is binary.
We are CONDITIONED to think that way because a handful of very powerful people WANT US to think that way, or else.
When they plunk down their billions they expect to get results and if they don't, they start breaking sh!t until they do get them.

Originally Posted by jgw
Not only that but one side must NEVER even talk to the other side because its just, I guess, too dangerous.

Again, certain people spent BILLIONS of dollars to ensure that people would think that way now. It took a while, but it's hard-baked into the national consciousness now.

Originally Posted by jgw
Sorry about that. Its just that is NOT the way this nation was founded or meant to be. Anybody who thinks that way should lighten up. I know people that Vote Trump and I don't even want to kill them or anything! I think they are probably wrong and it makes no sense but that's just they way they are politically, don' mean that's all they got. Don't know many, but some. One was my son who has, now, changed his mind. Even then I just don't talk politics with him and everything is dandy. All 'conservatives' are not racist, or wife beaters, or all the rest. All Liberals don't want to bankrupt the nation to give said nation away or bankrupt it. These are, I think, simple facts.

All these left/right arguments are kinda silly unless somebody is changing a mind due to them. After a while it must be exhausting. I have a wife in that state right now and its sad (she is a serious lefty, used to work for the Dems, thinks Trump is a monster (close), and majored in political science (that title has always bothered me)

Just saying............

And when the civil war starts in earnest and the bullets are flying willy nilly, a lot of people will suddenly figure out exactly who it is that really has the "mental disorder".
Hint: (It's not the libs)

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