Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
:lol: reminds me of the old claims that opposition to socialism was a psychological malady, and the "authoritarian mindset" people. Or, for that matter, the Liberalism is a Mental Disorder people. :D)
At least my study was peer-reviewed by scientists. smile

Any idiot with a publisher can write a book. What's the matter, couldn't find a peer-reviewed scientific study to support your lie? Too bad, so sad. coffee

What else are you going to gaslight me with? Hmm Are you going to tell me that NAZIs were socialist as well? That's one of my favorite Conservative lies. laugh

Actually I linked him to you, though you're welcome to look up Haidt elsewhere. He's even got a Ted Talk.;) I couldn't help but notice you carefully edited him out of the quote box when replying. Odd, that smile

Oh I know! You'll tell me that the Founder Fathers were Conservative. That's my favorite Conservative lie. ROTFMOL

:shrug: Not sure why you want to try to pivot from your bigotry onto that topic in particular, but, ff you'd like to have a conversation on it, I can most certainly make the case for most of them (and generally for the movement they led), as did Edmund Burke. Or, if you like, we can discuss national socialism. But, if your behavior thus far is indicative of the intellectual honesty you intend to bring to bear to those discussions, then talking with you probably isn't worth it, as you are unlikely to be able to process information that challenges your preconceived notions.

Last edited by CPWILL; 01/25/20 04:23 AM.