Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by CPWILL
...I can most certainly make the case for most of them (and generally for the movement they led)...
I'm not interested in your any of your opinions, just the facts, ma'am. smile I get that Conservatism is not a choice and that you're born that way, but do better and not be so smug. Try harder to overcome that which inflicts you. laugh

smile Between the two of us, I'm not worried about coming off as smug, or at having failed so badly in the ability to rationally assess the strengths and weaknesses of my own ideological side as well as that of others.

Though it only tangentially relates, I hope one day you are able to get over your anger at your parents. frown Learning to love broken people* is hard, but it can be a worthy thing to do.

*Synonym for "any people"