Let's look at your leading candidates:
Every one of the leading Dem candidates what large increases in Medicare. I must admit that if Lizzy were to actually get elected, in a headdress and feathers, and implement Medicare for all, I would retire the next day, but it doesn't mean that it would be the right thing to do. It just means that I am Republican enough to take advantage of every government program available.
Your leading candidates, except for maybe Biden, all want large increases in Social Security. I am not sure where Joe stands on that, because he really isn't sure. Once he gets a whiff of which way the wind is blowing, he will form his opinion in sand.
Look, the first thing that JFK did upon getting elected POTUS, was to cut taxes. There used to be blue dog Dems who actually held fiscally conservative views. Not NO politician, Republican or Dem, are fiscally conservative. The only difference is that Reps with throw the voting public a tax cut bone every now and then. The Dems just take all the money they can beg, borrow or steal and spend it on any special interest of the hour. The system is F@c$ed right now and nobody in either party wants to fix it. But there are no moderate Dems, never mind conservative Dems, in the House, just lemmings willing to follow Nancy down the path to oblivion because she is the best politician. The Republicans aren't much better, but hell, at least we have Rand Paul.