Originally Posted by jgw
I thought I might add that not once have the Dems taken over from the Republicans without inheriting a financial disaster. Obama, for instance, inherited the worst recession since the depression of 1920.

As a proud Republican I can see that you may have missed that one and every other one of Dems winning against Republicans. Kinda says something about the grand plans of the Republicans. Right now they are running historic deficits and apparently adding 1 TRILLION to the debt every year. I know, Obama added to the debt - the difference is that he, basically, saved the entire economy from absolute failure. Anyway, next time you claim Republican fiscal responsibility be careful!

I have been arguing this for almost 30 years here at CHB, it isn't fiscal conservancy that people want, it is fiscal spending, as high and mighty as possible, as long as they agree with where the money is getting spent. The fact that Trump, who at various times has been a Democrat and a Republican (but always a moron), is spending at ridiculous levels, doesn't mean that the Dems wouldn't howl if he decided to reduce government spending. They would cut that money in different places in the budget and spend it on something that they like, just like the Republicans do.

It is the same animal, just different colors with different priorities. The budget deficits are so large right now, that thinking that they will ever be reduced is a fairy tale. There will be algebraic gymnastics in future budgets that claim they will reduce the deficit by 2% over 10 years, but we know that will never happen. Both sides suck, nothing can be done about it.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson