Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
The budget deficits are so large right now, that thinking that they will ever be reduced is a fairy tale. There will be algebraic gymnastics in future budgets that claim they will reduce the deficit by 2% over 10 years, but we know that will never happen.
I may have missed it, but how do tax cuts figure into your algebraic gymnastics? According to one point of view, it's really stupid to cut back on income when you are buying stuff and need to make payments.

There is a theory that by cutting taxes, the population has more money to spend, increasing tax revenue. In theory it is an elegant assumption, in reality it doesn't really work. People are usually inclined to pay their bills, pay their kids college bills, or go to the casino.

In my opinion, every tax cut is a pay raise, and I will take every pay raise that I can get. The Dems refuse to pay down the deficit, the Reps refuse to not keep increasing the deficit, however the Reps will sometimes grow a pair and introduce a tax cut. The last one got me almost $200.00 a month in extra money. Nobody is going to pay down the deficit, nobody in government cares about the deficit, nobody in the private sector wants to think about the deficit.

Mr. Trump, PLEASE push another middle class tax cut through! I would really like another $200 per month in my paycheck. Given the choice of taking care of my family, or some theoretical struggling immigrant who needs a subsidy to make it, I choose my family. Hell, given the choice between the immigrant and take out Chinese food, I choose Chinese food. That is Democrating, my vote is money in my pocket, if I lose the popular vote, and I can't impeach somebody to change the outcome of the popular vote, then I guess I forfeit my Chinese.

But, I will bet on the Chinese food option. People like it when taxes are cut. Charity starts at home and the government never really wants to help you as much as it wants to help itself. Besides, who doesn't like take out Chinese?


Last edited by Ma_Republican; 02/04/20 05:33 PM.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson