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President Sanders will inherit the most presidential power of any president in our history. Courtesy of the Republicans. And they have proven in court that those powers can not be abused.
That is a very interesting observation.
I expect that of all the Dem candidates, Bernie is the only one who would use that power to poke the dishonest Reeps in the eye! Followed by (I hope) using that power to cause a permanent banishment of the President ever having the ability to acquire such power again...
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
President Sanders will inherit the most presidential power of any president in our history. Courtesy of the Republicans. And they have proven in court that those powers can not be abused.
That is a very interesting observation.
I expect that of all the Dem candidates, Bernie is the only one who would use that power to poke the dishonest Reeps in the eye! Followed by (I hope) using that power to cause a permanent banishment of the President ever having the ability to acquire such power again...
He would still have to elicit cooperation from Congress to do that.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
A Democratic-majority in both Houses of Congress may not do much progressive stuff, but they will certainly cooperate with anything President Sanders wants to do to Republicans. Remember, if Democrats win, the AG will be a Democrat too. Democrats will have to turn this back into a Nation of Laws, by prosecuting all the documented crimes of the Trump administration and Republicans who were in this congress.
Actually, Sanders would not have to do anything but appoint a guy with a lot of prosecutor experience as AG. Then Sanders can stand back and say: "We don't prosecute opponents just for being in opposition. But actual crimes need to be prosecuted."
People need to see crimes being prosecuted and criminals going to prison, or in the future everybody will act just like Trump et al. If I was Trump, I would be looking around to figure out where I want to go visit forever that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
What I like about the tech revolution is it's had a leveling effect on the media that had never existed before. No longer needing to mortgage your house to make your low budget indie film or beg the studios. Ditto with talk shows. The production costs have come down dramatically with improvements in technology and it's a great political time for indie film makers to get some attention and display their film making chops. We no longer have to take Madison avenue's version of events or reality. The risk of total incoherence is there as well as manipulation but street level stuff always has a particular authenticity to it.
A nice lil 7 minute documentary that helps expose the B.S. of the political narratives past and present that simplified the loss of the upper midwest.
Sanders has the lagest support amongst women, Latino's and now African Americans than any other candidate.
Yet the racial, misogynistic 'white Bernie Bro' now shortened to 'Bernie Bro' is back again. Here and elsewhere....
What I like about the tech revolution is it's had a leveling effect on the media that had never existed before. No longer needing to mortgage your house to make your low budget indie film or beg the studios. Ditto with talk shows. The production costs have come down dramatically with improvements in technology and it's a great political time for indie film makers to get some attention and display their film making chops. We no longer have to take Madison avenue's version of events or reality. The risk of total incoherence is there as well as manipulation but street level stuff always has a particular authenticity to it.
A nice lil 7 minute documentary that helps expose the B.S. of the political narratives past and present that simplified the loss of the upper midwest.
Sanders has the lagest support amongst women, Latino's and now African Americans than any other candidate.
Yet the racial, misogynistic 'white Bernie Bro' now shortened to 'Bernie Bro' is back again. Here and elsewhere....
Actually it seems like the "Bro" segment is shrinking as Bernie's support begins to widen. And that was the original purpose for my putting up this thread, both here AND elsewhere on other forums. I wanted to really know if the so called "Bros" were as ubiquitous and universal as has been hyped. And it doesn't look like they are more than a small fraction of Bernie's overall base in 2020, as my polls elsewhere show that about ninety percent of those supporting Bernie don't fit the category.
And I am expecting that the same results will show in this poll when it ends. Yes, my whole point was to tamp down all the toxic accusations of "Bernie Bros" cropping up everywhere. I believe it was an early and volatile phenomenon, and that eventually Bernie's support would become more universal and homogenized.
I think Bernie's bigger problem is getting the DNC to play by the rules, not his tiny so-called "Bro" segment.
The tech revolution and the democratization of media has had the usual disruptive effects, both plus and minus. Sure, of course folks have better access to the tools but it also means that pure whack jobs have the same access, thus the Flat Earthers, anti-vaxxers, sovereign citizens and of course all the Trumper conspiracy theorists no longer occupy street corners handing out sweaty mimeographed tracts...they have the same democratized access everyone else has.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Sanders has the largest support amongst women, Latino's and now African Americans than any other candidate.
Did you know that Sanders also has the largest support among the armed forces? Donations from active duty troops for Sanders is higher than all the other Democratic candidates combined and even higher than Trump. link
Polls are saying that Buttigieg is rising in popularity...maybe some of the single digit folks are losing support to him. At some point, all the other candidates will drop out. Warren has made a lot of pinkie promises that she's not gonna be able to keep.
National polls made promises to Biden that they aren't going to be able to keep.
And Biden's promise that only he can beat Trump are looking weaker by the moment, just like the man himself.
Bernie and Buttigieg wasn't the match up I saw coming. But it promises to be an interesting race.
Bernie's bigger problem is getting the DNC to play by the rules, not his tiny so-called "Bro" segment
The DNC won't play by the rules and the more Trump-like they appear to the voters the worse it's going to look for them. Perez is sensitive to being compared to Wassermann-Schultz so he won't do anything directly. But the "Democratic Purity" crowd and Clinton operatives will be working hard to make the rules work better for some people than for others.
Have you noticed how loyal Bernie's supporters are? As he gains more of them they will also become loyalists. You couldn't write a better story! Elder Statesman who has been right along finally gets the recognition he deserves! Bernie could be just the populist hero that America needs to turn it from its unsustainable policies.
Sanders has the largest support amongst women, Latino's and now African Americans than any other candidate.
Did you know that Sanders also has the largest support among the armed forces? Donations from active duty troops for Sanders is higher than all the other Democratic candidates combined and even higher than Trump. link
Polls are saying that Buttigieg is rising in popularity...maybe some of the single digit folks are losing support to him. At some point, all the other candidates will drop out. Warren has made a lot of pinkie promises that she's not gonna be able to keep.
National polls made promises to Biden that they aren't going to be able to keep.
And Biden's promise that only he can beat Trump are looking weaker by the moment, just like the man himself.
Bernie and Buttigieg wasn't the match up I saw coming. But it promises to be an interesting race.
Since 5 Feb Buttigieg has jumped from 14% up to 22% according to RCP averages on the New Hampshire Primary. Sanders increased one point from 26 to 27. Biden has dropped from 18 down to 12 and Warren from 14 down to 12.
Sanders is still the favorite in NH, but one should remember he was also the favorite in Iowa. An 8 point lead for Sanders became basically tie. But Iowa had so many problems, who knows what the real results were. If RCP is correct, Buttigieg has cut an 12 point Sanders lead down to 5 with a couple of days remaining.
Biden was the big loser in Iowa in my opinion and will be just a big loser in NH. Warren could be on her last gasp, especially with Nevada and South Carolina coming up which has a huge minority vote which Warren isn't doing well with. 14% support among blacks, 12% among Hispanics nationwide. Sanders has only 8% black support, but 28% among Hispanics. Biden has dropped within the last couple of weeks from 55% support among blacks down to 43%. He may be running out of gas also.
Biden still leads in Nevada, 3 over Sanders, 10 over Warren while in SC Biden leads Steyer by 13, Sanders by 14 and Warren by a whopping 22. As of today anyway.
In 2016 36% of Nevada's vote was non-white while in South Carolina, 57% was. The make up of minorities in these states may keep Biden alive. For awhile.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.