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As a Conservative worried about the long-term trajectory of both the Democratic Party and the Country (though not in that order)...
Dont worry your pretty little head about us. Just worry about your orange foundation wearing 75 year old "alpha male" who suffers from mini-strokes. Thanks.
Originally Posted by CPWILL
..please, nominate Bernie Sanders. Should he lose to Trump, the damage he will do to the far-left wing within the Democrat Party will discredit them. Should he win, the damage he will do (though he will fail to achieve his ends - thank you, Founders) to the country could have similar impacts as Wilson did, a century before. A new Coolidge administration sounds wonderful.
Comparing Bernie to Wilson? Shirley, you jest. ,
Any Dem would be an improvement on the current asinine clown show in the Oval Office.
If the Dems are doing what you say they are doing then they are doing a really piss poor job! That is unfortunate as I believe that Bernie cannot win against Trump. I am sure I have said this before but the Republicans will destroy Bernie. Remember, they did that to another presidential candidate and he was a genuine war hero!
Bernie just has too much baggage and his plan to force large companies, or any company that trades stock to give 20% of their worth to "the workers" is simply insane. That is, as far as I can tell one of the greatest job killing efforts anybody could have thought of! There are also other problems but that one sticks out for me. What I find completely strange is that the media, in its infinite wisdom has yet to even mention that one. All that being said Bernie has also turned into a serious eater of other candidates with inunendo, sly, and sometimes a bit silly. He just may have the capacity to lose all on his own. He, not unlike Trump, is making sure of his base and I am not convinced they are enough to let him win.
As a Conservative worried about the long-term trajectory of both the Democratic Party and the Country (though not in that order)....
...please, nominate Bernie Sanders. Should he lose to Trump, the damage he will do to the far-left wing within the Democrat Party will discredit them. Should he win, the damage he will do (though he will fail to achieve his ends - thank you, Founders) to the country could have similar impacts as Wilson did, a century before. A new Coolidge administration sounds wonderful.
Why on Earth would I want to damage the left wing of the party?
I am a member only because they are the nearest thing to even being somewhat left that has the funding to effectively run for high office.
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, 1921 to 1933, twelve years of infinite largesse, corruption, self dealing and grinding inequality all of which led up to the Great Depression. Yeah, wonderful. The thing about Trump 2016 is, he has enshrined much if not all of that in just three and a half years. The Depression led to a forty-seven year period of recovery and the liberal - - nay...Democratic Socialist - - New Deal.
So maybe this three and a half year trauma will wind up gifting us with another generation of something even more comprehensive, a New Deal 2021.
Go and talk to ANY kid born after around 1994 and see how many can point to anything that compares to the New Deal. Most of them don't even have anything at all good to say about capitalism at all, and with good reason.
We've pissed on the upcoming generation and we expect them to defend...defend WHAT?
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As a Conservative worried about the long-term trajectory of both the Democratic Party and the Country (though not in that order)...
Dont worry your pretty little head about us. Just worry about your orange foundation wearing 75 year old "alpha male" who suffers from mini-strokes. Thanks.
That creature is NOT "mine". Trump is opposed to free trade, is weak on defense, and is a braggedly-libertine member of the sexual revolution. You can have him.
But the Democratic Party is one of our two major parties, it's ebbs and flows will partly steer this nation, about whom I care deeply. If it has an opportunity to expunge or at least reduce the influence of the extremists from within its midst, I'm in favor of that.
Originally Posted by CPWILL
..please, nominate Bernie Sanders. Should he lose to Trump, the damage he will do to the far-left wing within the Democrat Party will discredit them. Should he win, the damage he will do (though he will fail to achieve his ends - thank you, Founders) to the country could have similar impacts as Wilson did, a century before. A new Coolidge administration sounds wonderful.
Comparing Bernie to Wilson? Shirley, you jest. ,
Wilson probably had a lot more raw intelligence, to be fair. But, yes, overreach of government control of our lives produces backlash.
Any Dem would be an improvement on the current asinine clown show in the Oval Office.
On that, tragically, I am much less sold, and cannot agree.
Your party had an opportunity to expunge or at least reduce the influence of the extremists from within its midst. As always they chose to double down.
And so you own Trump just like you owned the TEA Party extremists, like you own the neo-nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Like you own the evangelicals and the anti-semites, the islamaphobes, the transphobes, and the collective phobias of the party of fear. The party of racism and hate.
It's all yours, partner. Now how do you intend to deal the plastic pollution, health insurance, the inequality problems and global climate change? What about poisonous tapwater? Remember when the Cuyahoga River caught fire in downtown Cleveland? We can be back there in a heartbeat.
One political party is looking at the future and trying to plan for it.
The other looks back at the past and longs for better days...Coolidge? Harding? Wilson? That's history, son, and it aint coming back.
What's coming is sea level rise, millions of climate refugees, collapsing fishing industries, collapsing agriculture, food shortages, pandemics and deaths numbering in the billions. Probably a nuclear war caused by American imperialism. And most definitely a global economic collapse. That one will be rolling around sooner than you think.
So yeah...I keep waiting to hear the conservative plan to mitigate all this...and I keep hearing crickets...and rumours that evangelicals plan to destroy the world because that's what the Bible says.
You either get outa that mess, or you stay in it. You're up to your ass in it CP and you own it lock, stock, and barrel.
That creature is NOT "mine". Trump is opposed to free trade, is weak on defense, and is a braggedly-libertine member of the sexual revolution. You can have him.
True, you are many things but a Trumper ain't one of them I agree.
Originally Posted by CPWILL
But the Democratic Party is one of our two major parties, it's ebbs and flows will partly steer this nation, about whom I care deeply. If it has an opportunity to expunge or at least reduce the influence of the extremists from within its midst, I'm in favor of that.
The biggest font of extremism is actually in the GOP House and Senate, especially the Senate, but you know that already.
Originally Posted by CPWILL
Wilson probably had a lot more raw intelligence, to be fair. But, yes, overreach of government control of our lives produces backlash.
So does "deconstruction of the administrative state, fatal erosions of liberties, destruction of democracy, in particular open attacks on the electoral process, shall I go on?
Trump's excesses are closed end doomed for failure, failure of the Constitution as a whole, failure of democracy, ultimately failure of the republic. Republics that fall under singular unitary autocratic despotic rule cease being republics. Sometimes the failure is so utterly total that even if an opposition candidate with a comparatively clean record wins with a vow to heal and repair, sometimes the damage is irrevocable and irreversible.
This is the case, the case right now. Not soon...NOW. And that is not yours if you didn't vote for him, but it sure isn't ours either, it's Trump, it's all Trump, and the Trumpers.
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And that is not yours if you didn't vote for him, but it sure isn't ours either, it's Trump, it's all Trump, and the Trumpers.
Poppycock. Every republican owns this monster and the mess he's made.
A good portion of democrats also own it. The neoliberals and their supporters.
CP frets about government interference in our lives but has no qualms with corporate interference in government which, unlike the prosperity of the 10%, does indeed trickle down. Debt, ill health, hunger and disease trickle down. Destruction of safety nets trickle down.
All the while the firehose of debt re-distribution continues to blast all wealth upward to those who need it least.
It's class warfare at its finest. And it's led by conservatives of all stripes.
Trump is all republican. He's pretty much following the familiar policies of austerity and tax cuts for the wealthy. His style of economic imperialism may break from the traditional managed trade deals but he's doing pretty much the same as either political faction has been doing for decades.
His sexual appetites may be on display more than the average conservative but at least he's more honest.
Whore houses do as well next to Democratic conventions as they do Republican ones or CPAC conventions.
Wasn't Dennis Hastert the conservative Republican standard bearer of the house not that long ago? Blocking the ERA amendments and bills barring discrimination against gays but had previously molested boys?
Our politics look more like the court of the Louis' in the run up to the revolution to me. Coservatives and Liberals are two different sides of the same coin for much of it.
Our politics look more like the court of the Louis' in the run up to the revolution to me. Coservatives and Liberals are two different sides of the same coin for much of it.
Heady times those!
Here's a little animation where you can see Lois LVIs head roll into the basket. Chunks, you might wanna stay for the second half since you worked a little while in the industry.