Originally Posted by Hamish Howl
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Liberals prefer Trump to Sanders. It’s on display.

And progressives prefer Trump to liberals.

The combination of the two being why we are all [censored] doomed.

Aint it the truth?...But really, is it the truth?

The argument between liberals and progressives is the reason we're doomed? I guess by doomed you mean another Trump term? It won't be pleasant and I'd prefer either a liberal or a progressive president but it is what it is. The union will survive and progressive opposition will continue to grow. Boomers will continue to die, and eventually we will get that progressive government that we need to avoid the very doom that you predict.

It's the natural order of things. Pull your Marxian guidebook out and go over the highlighted sections again.

“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.” - V.I. Lenin

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...