Trump has no respect at all for the Constitution or the Republic no matter how much his supporters claim otherwise and he represents a clear and present threat to this Republic.
The fact that Trump can spend money to yell COMMIE COMMIE COMMIE at every Democratic candidate is not a measure by which we should choose a candidate, just because so called "independents" might get scared the second Trump calls them a commie.
NEWS FLASH: Trump and Trumpers think anyone who doesn't like Trump is a commie, even other Republicans!
Independents are hereby on notice to explain why they should honor anything Trump claims given the above .
Not only are independents now required to justify their air of superiority, they are now required to prove it lock stock and barrel because if they're so timid that just hearing Trump yell COMMIE one time is enough to shake the foundations of their values, then it sounds like they're turning the word "independent" into a synonym for "uninformed idiot".
If they're not uninformed idiots, they should be able to see right through Trump's weak sauce red baiting AND they should also be able to make an intelligent determination as to the policies and values of the Democratic candidates as well as any other candidates.
I'm fed up with people walking around acting superior by claiming they are "independent" and then proving that they really don't even know as much as either Republicans OR Democrats.
It's like watching old bikers walking around claiming they are "patriots" while proving that they have no respect for anything remotely patriotic, or "Constitutionalists" that don't know f*ck-all about the Constitution, or Christians who don't know f*ck-all about Christ.
I might as well tell everyone I'm a doctor, because I read about healthcare a lot.
Hey!!! I'm "an independent" doctor!!!
I don't believe in the AMA and I attended medical school at the University of Hard Knocks!
Bullshit bullshit bullshit ad nauseum.
Sorry so called "independents"...not all of you get the "free pass" and not all of you ever deserved any kind of a pass.