I am not sure about what you are answering.

Apparently you don't understand why I believe something Trump said? I believe absolutely NOTHING Trump says. He lies 80% of the time, in incredibly ignorant, and I refuse to actually listen to him at all!

I also have absolutely no idea how one "honors" the jackass trump.

I guess I am an independent. I vote for the best I can find. Most of the time that would be a Democrat but I have strayed, over the years. I did NOT vote for Trump and will vote for whoever runs as a Democrat this time around as I want that Jackass gone!

I am not sure about Trump crying COMMIE all the time, I suspect he also mixes in, a lot, "SOCIALIST". I do, however, believe that comes from the simple fact of the Democrats constantly using the word "socialist".

OH, my wife signed me up as a Democrat years ago. Right now half my email is from Democrats begging for money <sigh>

Many currently claiming to be a patriot, etc., as far as I can tell, are those who believe they REALLY understand America. Some of those would be White Supremacists, anti-vaxxers, etc. who tend to march around a lot waving flags (American, and oddities). There is a kindofa standard setup. Normal folks might wave a flag or two, the really serious jerks tend to have EVERYBODY waving a flag. Just watch a hundred march and EVERYBODY had a flag. It was almost very exiting.