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You know, leave me alone with nothing to do but think, and I will sure as sh!t find a way to get into trouble. Not originally my line, borrowed it from Harlan Ellison, but it might as well be mine because it fits.
There is STILL an outside chance for socialism, and it's the economy. All the happy talk about how the economy is going to come roaring back with a vengeance in a couple of weeks sounds like a feeble old man whistling a nervous nonsense tune at an open stall in a strange public restroom.
A month or two of lockdown, with it going national some time in the next two weeks, and continuing for even maybe a month after that, with continuing extreme measures in the following month, and then a predicted resurgence of the virus once again when people start touching, coughing, spitting, associating, etc etc? The Atlantic Magazine is saying that the virus will appear to lull and then come back again.
Hate to say it but my money says the economy will be toast in 90 days, and by July the Great Depression is going to look like a Boy Scout Jamboree.
Young adults who were just starting out in life will be moving back home with the parental units, low pay workers will be homeless in mass numbers, crime wil spike and horrific stories of deprivation and depravity from across Flyover Country will evoke apocalyptic images that will scar readers for life.
By September or October even basic services may begin to fail because there won't be enough of a revenue base to keep them afloat.
Unless...SOCIALISM. Will there be a come to Jesus moment when the majority on both sides finally understand that socialism has the capacity to "save [some form of] capitalism"?
I can guarantee you, Ayn Rand's rugged individualism won't do it unless we embrace WARLORD culture, the kind that eats both young and old alike, and any semblance of morality.
Sadly, I honestly don't know if Bernie will survive, but if that come to Jesus moment arrives and he is still hale and hearty, there is a slim chance we may witness a phoenix arising from the ashes.
And suddenly a lot of those who have "moved on" (yes, myself among them) will have to have their own come to Jesus moment. I won't...I'm a total whore when it comes to practical considerations for my continued survival.
The question is, what happens to the primary math, what happens to the delegates, what happens to the convention, what happens to the voters? Does Bernie get a chance or does Biden suddenly embrace Bernie's ideas, is there a huge fight over who is plagiarizing who, is there a spirit of cooperation, does Biden even understand what he will face?
IS IT possible or am I having a massive brain fart? And yes, there is the specter of Trump capitalizing on all of this as his moment in the Sun, God help us all.
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