Meanwhile, the economies lifeblood is blowing out:

“ Citi: $5 oil is possible. Citigroup laid out a pessimistic scenario in which WTI falls to $5 per barrel. Energy Aspects said Brent could fall to $10. Mizuho Securities said some oil could even fall into negative territory absent shale shut-ins. “This is Operation Desert Storm, Enron, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina/Rita, Lehman Bros, combined,” Stephen Schork, president of the energy consultancy Schork Group Inc., told Bloomberg.”

The Very Real Prospect Of $5 Oil

Shale fracking was always a grift, being no more profitable than when they pondered atomic bomb fracking back in the 50’s. Real death cult energy there, destroying wells and water. Here in upstate, local municipalities have been spraying fracking well juice on roads in lieu of traditional salting to save money. Never mind what’s in it (no one knows) or how radioactive it may be. Ditto on where the run off winds up. Death can’t come quick enough for that barrel of murderous Wall Street grifters, field equipment suppliers, well drillers and the politicians that took the money.