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Your ‘Bamz’ was President for TARP bailouts, recapitalization of banks, robo-signing (that our current treasury secretary is guilty of having committed but Kamela Harris didn’t pursue, apparently) and also had his justice department to prosecute the massive criminality but did nothing.
“Before passing the bill, the Senate rejected an amendment proposed by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., to cap unemployment insurance at a recipient’s previous wages. The bill adds $600 per week to the benefits a recipient would normally get for up to four months. Sasse’s amendment failed in a 48-48 vote.
The senator and three of his GOP colleagues threatened to delay passage of the legislation if they could not get a vote on an amendment. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., then suggested he could hold up the bill’s approval if they did not back down from their opposition.”
This Sanders should have been going after Biden in the last debate. Meds or no meds, Biden’s loathsome career of appeasing his corporate donors at the expense of Americans should have been ruthlessly exploited.
Still, it’s good to see his populist anger trained on the rich and their servants.
Your ‘Bamz’ was President for TARP bailouts, recapitalization of banks, robo-signing (that our current treasury secretary is guilty of having committed but Kamela Harris didn’t pursue, apparently) and also had his justice department to prosecute the massive criminality but did nothing.
Sorry Rick. People remember.
Kamala Harris worked directly for the Obama Administration White House staff in 2008-9-10, etc? I didn't know that. She was a state AG. Are we still talking about anything related to the upcoming election and why getting rid of Trump is the best idea no matter what? Bernie is the ideal but Bernie or no Bernie, getting rid of Trump is paramount.
I do remember that Congress refused to help the Obama administration go after a lot of this skullduggery, but as others have said, your mileage may vary.
I do actually remember Liz Warren grilling some bank execs in Congress, and going after SEC sins, but alas much of that carried over past 2016 and we all know what happened a good many of those cases. Many of them got put through the Trump wringer one way or another, as Trump has managed to pretty much declaw the CFPB, which by the way, arose as a result of the Obama administration's response to the mortgage crisis.
As for the robo-signing, a bill that was launched in Congress as a response to the robo-signing crisis was vetoed by Obama because it was felt that the bill would actually make it easier for lenders to foreclose on even MORE homes.
Since the majority Republican Congress was only interested in protecting banks instead of going after them, a series of lawsuits was the only remedy. That tends to be how these things shake out when a President faces a corrupt opposition party who is determined to stifle his efforts wholesale.
Yes, people do remember, but some have selective memories.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Your ‘Bamz’ was President for TARP bailouts, recapitalization of banks, robo-signing (that our current treasury secretary is guilty of having committed but Kamela Harris didn’t pursue, apparently) and also had his justice department to prosecute the massive criminality but did nothing.
Sorry Rick. People remember.
Kamala Harris worked directly for the Obama Administration in 2008-9-10, etc? I didn't know that. I do remember that Congress refused to help the Obama administration go after a lot of this skullduggery, but as others have said, your mileage may vary.
As for the robo-signing, a bill that was launched in Congress as a response to the robo-signing crisis was vetoed by Obama because it was felt that the bill would actually make it easier for lenders to foreclose on even MORE homes.
Since the majority Republican Congress was only interested in protecting banks instead of going after them, a series of lawsuits was the only remedy. That tends to be how these things shake out when a President faces a corrupt opposition party who is determined to stifle his efforts wholesale.
Yes, people do remember, but some have selective memories.
I didn't say it. You really like putting words in peoples mouths Jeff. As a former Dem Presidential primary participant and a possible VP pick, it is relevant.
Her office didn't file a suit against Mnuchin's OneWest while her office found thousands of violations. If you know of a reasonable answer to why she didn't prosecute as a states' attorney general please share.
I won't bother arguing the typical 'Dems can't do anything cuz republicans would make it hard, etc, etc.
'If Dems can't do anything because of political opposition why have Dems?', would become a logical and reasonable question.
If the Dems can't leverage overwhelming public opinion and support on matters of bank fraud or healthcare or a pay raise then what value are they and to whom would be a reasonable question.
Was there public support to bail out the bankers and amnisty for the criminality? Don't recall that at the time but your mileage may vary.
Her office didn't file a suit against Mnuchin's OneWest while her office found thousands of violations. If you know of a reasonable answer to why she didn't prosecute as a states' attorney general please share.
I won't bother arguing the typical 'Dems can't do anything cuz republicans would make it hard, etc, etc.
'If Dems can't do anything because of political opposition why have Dems?', would become a logical and reasonable question.
If the Dems can't leverage overwhelming public opinion and support on matters of bank fraud or healthcare or a pay raise then what value are they and to whom would be a reasonable question.
Was there public support to bail out the bankers and amnisty for the criminality? Don't recall that at the time but your mileage may vary.
It does vary because if you have the numbers, then you will get to drive vehicles of change. If you don't, handing it over in a fit of pique to the current criminals doesn't sound smart to me.
But if that does come to pass, it's going to eventually wind up being a very very long distance call if I want to voice further objections.
And I can't do a damn thing about that.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Bernie's calling for $2000 a month payment for all Americans...
I'm calling for fifty-thousand a month for all Americans, but I'd sure be happy with two thousand. Unfortunately I didn't have any better luck than anyone else, Bernie included. So I guess we're not getting 50000...or even 2000.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Your ‘Bamz’ was President for TARP bailouts, recapitalization of banks, robo-signing (that our current treasury secretary is guilty of having committed but Kamela Harris didn’t pursue, apparently) and also had his justice department to prosecute the massive criminality but did nothing.
Sorry Rick. People remember.
I was speaking specifically to that dates which you cited.
For the things that Obama did while he was president. Rearview mirror hindsight is always better. Neel Kashkari summed it up best in last Sunday's 60 Minutesinterview.