Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by Livetoride
Originally Posted by Livetoride
Prine just passed. RIP John Prine. Your music will play at my memorial, that's written in stone and my girls won't let me down. God he was a great story teller.

I am hopeful that the news of his passing was false, as I've heard nothing on the news yet. I did get a text last night, but it wasn't from a family member. I have seen the statement the family put out about him being in critical care due to CV though.

I just found out that the news about Prine might be premature, but it will be a miracle of the highest order if he survives.
Livetoride, I'm going to put an EDIT on the obit just as a prayer that he makes it.
And if he doesn't, I'll remove the EDIT, hope that you don't mind.
So glad to see you here at The Rant again, by the way.

Yes, please do. I posted earlier that I had hopes that the news was false. You are correct, given his pre-existing condition(s), it would take a miracle.
Thanks for the kind words. It has been a while. Working from home does have its perks, but cabin fever is a bitch!

What if the Hokey-Pokey REALLY IS what it's all about?
God Hates Me