Originally Posted by Livetoride
Agreed, but the idiotic statements/ramblings are better entertainment that anything the networks offer. "The Simpsons, Futurama" and that other s*** show just don't get it for me. Point well taken though.

All I am saying is, wait till daily viewing becomes mandatory, via a social credit system similar to China's. Not tuned in? Oh well, your score just dropped ten points.
Want a better job? Permission to travel? Buy a nicer place?
Your social credit score determines all.

This is happening now overseas.
It starts with loyalty tests, and the first loyalty test reward system is our own TV ratings. Trump is bragging about how high his presser ratings are.
That's happening now, too.

So all one must do is hold off till he's off the air and hang on till the news re-runs them. Then the news show gets the ratings, instead of Trump.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

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