I use a smartphone. I'm clumsy and slow with it, I have huge hands and when I try to use the keyboard i press three keys at a time and it takes literally hours to type a brief text.

I can barely read anything on it without finding my strongest reading glasses. The font is set to "huge"...it isn't f*cking huge okay? It's tiny, it's like the fine print they always print the instructions for preparing packaged foods.

I can't use it at all while I'm driving. Gotta turn it on, unlock it, clear whatever screens you left up on it, tap the phone icon, tap the contacts button, scroll through the contacts, tap who you want to call, select phone or text....

I used to just grab the flip and mash two buttons without ever looking at it.

I'm trying to buy a Moto Z4 right now, upgrading from Moto G3. None are available. Probably made in China.

Jeffery you might like the Motorola lineup. They've got most of the features you want and their batteries are awesome.

I use Republic Wireless, they used to be the only ones that routed calls to wifi instead of cell towers. I've got no cell coverage out here so everything depends on wifi. I think all phones do that now...I dunno...?
They're $15 bucks a month and data's $5 a Gig.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...