Originally Posted by Greger
Jeffery you might like the Motorola lineup. They've got most of the features you want and their batteries are awesome.

Not if it's a flip phone.
I actually USE a lot of apps.
One of the apps I rely on the most is a handy codec guide for optimizing video for upload to YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Another is a handy FTP directory with instructions on how to log on to trusted FTP sites. You have to get the logon and passwords from the owners but once you enter them they're all stored in one place.

Another is a ham radio programming widget that will program most modern handy-talkies for you so you don't have to manually enter 250 different frequencies.

Another is a built in spot lightmeter...no not nearly as good as a real light meter but for Mister Magoo, it's good enough.

Another fave is Keeper, which stores every password you will ever need. You can even extend Keeper to your browser!

There's a list of maybe 25 more but I'll spare you.
My non-pro fave is the built in TV/cable remote, which is a lifesaver if you can't find your remote in the middle of the night because your dog wanted to bury it in their bed across the room without letting you know.

I was actually kind of hopeful that SOMEONE would come out with a smartphone that had an HDMI INPUT so that you could feed it with whatever comes out of a modern camera, thus allowing you to use your phone as a portable livestreaming device but also allowing you to feed it with quality from a real camera.

Alas, looks like that's never going to happen! frown
Probably because there's already a ton of standalone portable livestream devices, but I just thought it would be nifty to combine it in a smartphone instead of lugging around another box.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD