Originally Posted by Greger
And I can't get over your freak out fearmongering, your startin to sound like a Biden cultmember.

Wait, what?
Biden doesn't have any cult members, remember?
You're even on record as saying that no one really LOVES Joe Biden.
It's the Joe Rogans and Jimmy Dores who are doing the bulk of the freaking out, when they're not being crypto "4 More Years of Trump" pimps...to start "the revolution", of course.

Of course when anyone asks "How do you see this revolution actually playing out?" everyone runs for the exits.

Tell you what, Greger...if someone, anyone...comes up with a detailed plan that lays out the scope, purpose and proposed trajectory of this yearned for "revolution", I am open to hearing it.

The Poles had it laid out, and it was elegant in its simplicity:
They just decided that everyone in the country just needed to go on strike. It took a year and a half, and Jaruzelski became increasingly desperate and agitated, and he even exacted a toll on the Polish people when they refused to end their nationwide strikes, but in the end, it was Jaruzelski who fell, and Lech Walesa was elected President.

Thus the plan does not have to be complicated, not at all!
We COULD JUST refuse to honor Trump's demands that we all go back to shopping and working. Not saying that IS the plan but at least I AM now on record as suggesting one possibility.
If it's the WRONG possibility, if it's a terrible idea, then let's hear some other ones.

But putting Trump back in the White House is without a doubt the absolute stupidest idea I have ever heard.
Putting him back in the White House, even with Dem majorities in both chambers of Congress is STILL the SECOND-most absolute stupidest idea I have ever heard.

Because after 3.5 years of this, most of the public is not in any mood to go through even more of it even if it plays out as a second impeachment and trial.

Trump has DESTROYED the major institutions which could possibly support such an effort, to the point where they are so weak that they, along with the rest of the government, REALLY CAN BE DROWNED in the bathtub.

Drowned in the bathtub by President Oswald Cobblepot and his band of appointed and acting gangster agency heads.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

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