It's also very poor medicine to tell patients to go home and come back if they get significant pneumonia. People that do come back to the hospital do very poorly and patients who end up on ventilators do much worse. Medicine needs to treat patients vigorously so they never develop pneumonia!

There actually is a way to do this. It worked in 1918! We even have actual statistics. Researchers compared the pneumonia and death rates of an infected army camp with a sanitarium that treated their Spanish flu patients with long hot baths every day. The sanitarium numbers were MUCH better than the army camp. They both had decent doctors, good food, bed rest, etc. The big difference was the heat treatment in the sanitarium prevented most patients from advancing into pneumonia. We also see the same effect in Finland, were just about everybody takes saunas to treat chest infections at home.

Apparently Western doctors resist the therapeutic value of hot water much like they resisted the crazy idea that you should wash your hands between examining patients!