Democrats respect the law because they are the party of regulation. Republicans, on the other hand, and NOT the party of regulation, and believe that regulation removes the individual's right to do the right thing. I keep harping on this, and have for years. The difference between the two parties is that one believes in original sin and the other does not. The side that believes also believes that humans need to be regulated, the other side does not.
The amazing thing is that the other side actually is the side that believes that EVERYBODY will do the right thing if given a chance. If they do not then something bad will happen to them and then they can serve as an example of somebody who didn't do the right thing. A good example are those who are retired and have no savings. The Right would prefer that there was no SS so those who have no savings could beg on street corners thereby proving their thesis.
They also believe that nobody ever gets wiped out through no fault of their own. I believe "poor choices" is the one size fits all platitude that they like to drop when that happens, as if an old man or woman in their declining years suddenly can predict global financial crashes or market volatilities unbeknownst to all but a tiny elite who get advanced notice, and act illegally on it, and get away with it more often than not.
But the old lady selling apples on the corner for a nickel should have known that stuff. She also should have known her husband would wipe out their savings with his medical bills, or that she might lose her home and everything she had in a massive fire set by an arsonist.
Poor choices, carry a large gun and you'll never have to worry about them anymore, because you can shoot those poor choices and be done with it.
I have to go throw up.