Actually its a bit different. If you are poor then ITS YOUR FAULT! Coddling the poor with food, education, etc is just plain WRONG! You are then, again, not allowing them the freedom to learn their lessons!
Actually, Capitalism is a good thing! It has, for instance, raised millions out of poverty. The problem is that, not unlike a lot else, that when its not regulated bad things happen.
BOTH sides have a problem - lack of judgement and just going too far. The solution of the founders was to force 2 sides to sit down and do their work instead of one side having their way with no input by the other side. We seem to be, right now, failing because both sides are determined to have their own way over the other rather than actually doing the right thing. In this case refusing to actually sit down and legislate together.
If the Dems win the next election I fully expect them to sweep the field. Then THEY will be able to do what they want and they will, by definition, go too far and that will be a shame.
They wouldn't be able to if the Repugnicants weren't submersed in their cult worship of the golden calf.
They wouldn't be able to go too far because traditional and decent conservatives would be there to "keep them honest" and since they are decent, they would merit a rather universal form of respect, even as a minority party, even from those who don't always agree with them, and vice versa.
Yes, both sides have a problem, I freely admit that, but that's because both sides have always had the same a greater or lesser degree. There were times when it was to a lesser degree.
This is not one of those times.
But it wouldn't matter because right now one party is openly admitting contempt for pretty much any and all values set forth by our founders, contempt for democracy, contempt for the rule of law itself.
And they're willing to do whatever it takes to secure a permanent lock on power, even to the point of crashing and burning everything in one fell swoop. And they're actually eager to do so because most of them embrace or endorse a formerly fringe religious ideology that waxes poetic about the end times, thus they see themselves and their party turned cult as stewards of the end times, and they feel that crashing and burning the country is "God's work".
They openly state that their god commands them to do this.
Re: capitalism, agree wholeheartedly.
As I am fond of saying, we have FIRE regulations for a reason, and capitalism is a lot like FIRE.